Friday, May 4, 2012

Week 4A- The Briggsy Awards

This is my last and final blog for English 2. A lot of interesting things happened this semester. I really enjoyed this class though. I learned a lot and I definitely wish I could stay in this class. The most interesting part of the class was probably learning about the Gothic stories and all the different authors and how their lives were. The most boring part of the class was learning and reading about the Puritans. It was extremely hard to understand what the people were saying and I wasn’t a fan of it. I laughed so much over the course of the semester and had such a good time. I have a lot of memories. The hardest I laughed in English was probably when Ryan was trying to sell his baseball cards and Brigs pretended he wanted one and asked how much they were and everything, but he didn’t really want one. Ryan got so excited because he thought he was going to sell one and he didn’t. This class did teach me a lot though. I learned a lot of important things to include in an essay,  vocab words, all kinds of different sentence types, and even grammar things that always messed me up in the past. I really enjoyed Brigs as a teacher because he isn’t so serious all the time. He mixes learning and humor all in one and it makes it more fun to learn. I know I laughed in this class every single day and it always was a class that I looked forward too. I really think this class is the best it can be and I can’t think of a single thing that needs to change. I really had fun and learned things that I never had before. I will never forget English 2 with Brigs.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week3A-If I Were A.....

If I were a princess I would be Ariel. She isn’t really a princess but I categorize her as on. She has a lot of similar features that I did when I was younger, red hair, blue eyes. She is also a smart girl but she is somewhat free spirited. She also is pretty likeable and has a lot of friends. I would like to swim like her too if I could breathe underwater. I would be okay with being a mermaid. She also falls for a cute guy that she can’t have which is very similar to me. Ariel also fights for what she believes in and she dreams big. She tries her hardest for her dream to come true. I have always liked Ariel, she is my favorite Disney character!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Week-2A Dumb Laws

Okay so everyone knows that there are some really strange laws out there. Of course not everyone thinks so but we all have our opinions. However, some of them are just ridiculous! For instance, in Campaign, Illinois there is one that you cannot pee in your neighbors mouth. Seriously I don't think anyone would do that and if they did they are just crazy. I think that is pretty much just a waste of a law! Another one in Illinois is that you can't fish while sitting on a giraffe's neck. Who would do that?! Since when does anyone have a giraffe around near a pond or lake or something. No one in Illinois! In Florida there is a law that says unmarried women aren't allowed to parachute on Sunday! How random is that and why is it just women?! This isn't the 1800's anymore! You also aren't allowed to skateboard without a license. I don't think that skateboarding requires an actual license. Seriously?! I am pretty sure people are capable of riding a skateboard without a license. Plus the people that usually skateboard anyway are children and they shouldn't have to get a license! There are some crazy laws out there! Those are just a few of the weirdest ones I have seen.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 1A- Celebrity Crushes

This blog is definitely going to be my favorite. I am so obsessed with celebrities! I love actors and actresses. Seriously I am in love with so many male actors its ridiculous. If I had to choose 3 of my favorites though, it would be Ryan Reynolds, Matthew Fox, and Robert Downey Jr.  Ryan Reynolds,because he is very buff, tan and a major hottie. I love him, he is sweet, and very funny. He always is donating to charities and in good movies. He can play both a funny role and an action role. Matthew Fox is also a stud. He was in LOST and he has always been one of my favorites. He is older but he still has some major attractive qualities. He played a very brave, studly doctor in LOST and I completely fell in love with him. Finally I picked Robert because he is an awesome actor! He plays Iron Man so well as well as Sherlock Holmes. He is hilarious and he has a very cocky personality and I like that about him. He is also older but I have a thing for older guys. He has been in a lot of movies and I don’t think that I have ever seen one that he has been bad in. I love these guys! They are so hot!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 7- Literary Death Match

Okay so this blog is a bracket between battles of historic people. It is set up like a March Madness bracket. I am going to go through each battle and tell who would win for each match. Between Christopher Columbus and Patrick Henry, I would choose Christopher Columbus to win because he wasn’t that nice of a man and he completely controlled the Native Americans. If Edgar Allan Poe and Henry David Thoreau, Poe would definitely win because he knows a lot of tactics because of all the horror stories he wrote. He is the creator of violence. In a battle between Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas, I think that Douglas would win because he was a slave and so he is a lot stronger than Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln is too good of a person to fight. If Emily Grierson and Montressor were to fight I think that Montressor would win. He was very tricky and sneaky in his story. He was very smart and knew how to kill someone easily. He is also a man and is much stronger than old Emily. In the Final Four, it would be Douglas vs. Columbus, and Poe vs. Montressor. In the first battle I think that Douglas would win because once he is in more modern times than Columbus and Douglas could easily beat him up. In Poe vs. Montressor, Montressor would win because he actually murdered someone and been through it. Poe could write about it but overall I don’t think he was very strong physically. Montressor would win it all because he had murdered someone and has a lot of sneaky tricks up his sleeve and the way he was described he was pretty strong and I think that he could take all of his opponents easily.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 6 - What A Fright!

I have had both fun scary and scary scary experiences in my life. The scariest one I have ever had was scary scary though. Over the summer my grandpa passed away. My dad was home for lunch and he suddenly told me that my grandpa (who was battling cancer for the third time) was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital and they didn’t know what had happened. He said he was going to the hospital right then. After he left I couldn’t help but to continue to worry. I talked to my friend Hannah about it but my other best friend/brother was in New York. I wanted to talk to him but I didn’t know if my parents had told him yet. My phone started ringing and I immediately knew that my grandpa had died. My dad told me that one of our friends was almost to our house and would take me to the hospital to be with my family. Right when he said that our friends pulled up and I went to the hospital. That was truly the scariest and worst day of my life.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 5- Living In The Past

If I could live in any time period that I could choose it would be the medieval times. I would choose to live there because I love all the castles and clothing that they wore. I would look like a princess every day. The people also had a lot of feasts and I love food so that would be very good. I would look forward to hearing and gossiping about the kings, queens, princes, and princesses. I would have to live without TV, computers, phones, and other electronics but I would be okay I think. I could get my entertainment from the jesters. The only negative part would be that I would be ruled by a king and sometimes they were pretty ruthless. It would be hard to deal with sometimes. Over all I think I would enjoy living in the time of castles, wearing beautiful dresses, and eating a lot of food!